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Finding The Lost Ranger.

What it took to find the Lost Ranger.
S/Sgt Hull's wounds and post war experience.

The remainder of the book discusses what happened to S/Sgt Hull after being wounded in France.  Follow him as he gets treated in France, England and the United States.  Learn how he got married, had a family and became a police officer.  Understand the events that led to his death and becoming lost to history.

Loss of Rangers to unit.

By war's end, the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion had suffered horrible losses. This resulted in men becoming forgotten as others took their place.  

Finding the Lost Ranger amidst the ravage of time.

In the years following the war, the government purged military records on more than one occasion resulting in a loss of S/Sgt Hull to available unit records.  The tragic 1974 fire at the National Personnel Records Center also resulted in a loss of his service when his military records completely burned.  It was as a result of finding partial records through the VA and reconstructed records that allowed the initial finding of this Lost Ranger.  Serious effort had to be invested in finding him.

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